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Elbow Training for Tennis & Golfer’s Elbow

Oct 02, 2023

The suffix itis, as in arthritis or tendonitis, means inflammation. The prefixes arthro and tendono, give the location of the inflammatory disease. The latter being the tendon and the former in the...

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Practicing the 90/90 Training Position

Oct 01, 2023

One of our favorite training positions we use as practitioners and in the A.C.C.E.S. training programs is the 90/90 position. One of the reasons we like this training position so much is its...

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Strength: Challenging Sociocultural Biases

May 15, 2023

Strength can be a complex and multifaceted concept that is influenced by a range of societal and cultural factors. The mental model surrounding strength is a sociocultural phenomenon. As a society,...

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Understanding the Untrained Nervous System

May 01, 2023

The terms "trained" and "untrained" provide a useful way to describe the physical states of various systems, and can be applied in a breadth of contexts when describing the past experiences or...

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Manual Therapy: What are the keys to a successful treatment plan?

Apr 04, 2023

An effective manual therapy plan relies on three key elements: communication, assessment, and strategy. Clear communication between the practitioner and client is critical to ensure that goals are...

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What is Joint Specific Training?

Feb 27, 2023

What is a Joint?

A joint is the connection of two or more bones and the ability for motion to occur relative to one another. The space between these bones is joint workspace, and the connective...

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Knee Joint Training: Start Here

Feb 23, 2023

What is the Knee Joint?

The knee joint is the space (i.e., joint space) where the thigh bone (i.e., femur) articulates to the shin bone (i.e., tibia). It is...

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Big Toe + Ankle Joint Training: Start Here

Feb 23, 2023

What is the Hip Joint?

The big toe joint is the space (i.e., joint space) where the big toe bone (i.e., proximal phalanx bone) articulates to the foot...

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Elbow Joint Training: Start Here

Feb 23, 2023

What is the Elbow Joint?

The elbow joint is the space (i.e., joint space) where the arm bone (i.e., humerus) articulates to the forearm bones (i.e., radius and ulna)....

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Hip Joint Training: Start Here

Feb 23, 2023

What is the Hip Joint?

The hip joint is the space (i.e., joint space) where the thigh bone (i.e., femur) articulates to the pelvis (i.e., acetabulum). It is a...

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